- PowerTerm Script language uses many `{` and not many `(`
- NO: if ( $variable == "hello" )
YES: if { $variable == "hello" }
- Variable assignment does not use a `$`. Variable reference does.
- NO: $var = $data
YES: var = $data
- assignment `=` must be surrounded by whitespace.
(tests need not be surrounded by whitespace -- `if {$var<=10}` is acceptable.)
NO: i=1
YES: i = 1
- The `{` starting a block of statements MUST be on the same line as the `if`, `for` ... statement.
- YES: if { $data == 10 } {
i = 45
NO: if { $data == 10 }
i = 45
- incrementing is interesting...
- use the `expr` command which evaluates an expression, and the `[ ...]` facility which replaces itself with the result.
Thus, i = [ expr $i + 1 ]
or, use the `incr` command which increments its argument (and because there is an assignment involved, no `$` is used.
i = [ incr i ]
.. or ..
i = [incr i 3 ] # increment by 3
- `for` loop syntax is tricky:
- as usual, there are 4 parts
- initialization
- test
- increment
- body statements
ALL 4 PARTS ARE individually wrapped in `{...}`
AND -- as indicated above -- the `{` beginning the body statements MUST be on the same line as the 3 earlier parts: NO: for (i=0; $i <10; $i++)
var = 45
YES: for {i = 0} {$i <10} { i="[incr" i]} {
var = 45
- Testing for Time Outs in `wait` Here is an illustration of a script which uses a wait statement and an if to test the result:
- str = [wait 10 for "hi there"]
if {$str == "1"} {message "Hello to you"} else {message "no one home, $str"}
For an unconditional wait, the `wait` command can be used in this manner:
wait 10 seconds # [always say `seconds`, even in `wait 1 seconds`]
- `wait`-ing for a string in a designated location The wait command can look for a string in a designated location, as in:
- wait 10 for "F1" at 23 70
This will wait 10 seconds for the string "F1" to appear in row 23, column 70.
- Message and input boxes
PowerTerm lets the script writer create pop-up boxes for 3 purposes: messages, text input and password-type input.
- Message box.
syntax: message text [title-text] [error|question|info]
This will popup a box whose optional title is title-text, with the content of text, and with an optional icon suitable for error, question, or info. The user presses the OK button to continue.
- Text input box.
syntax: input-line text [title-text]
This will popup a box which includes a text input area. The box has text of text, and an optional title of title-text. You can assign the input to a variable as in:
data = [input-line "Enter Name" "My Title"]
- password-type input box.
syntax: input-password text [title-text]
This command is similar to input-line, except that the text which the user inputs is not echoed back to the screen. Rather, `*` symbols are displayed.
- Sending Hex Characters. This is done via `/xnnn`. example:
key f3 do {send "\x301"}
- Sending the Null `0` Character. This is done with the special character <null>. example: you need to send `ABCZDEF` where `Z` means the NULL `0` character. key f7 do {send "ABC<null>DEF"}
- Sending the `Enter` key: for Unix/VMS, `^M` represents the Enter/Return key. For IBM Mainframe/Midrange, <enter> is the way to do it.
- To include a filename in a script, it is necessary to use 2 backslash characters to represent each backslash. example: to refer to the file \tmp\myfile.txt , say \\tmp\\myfile.txt
- To access a PC environment variable within a script, use the `GETENV` command. Here is an example:
- data = [getenv TMP]
if {$data == "bernie"} {message "yes"} else {message "no"}
- To learn the current cursor position:
- get col is the command for the column
get row is the command for the row
- To make a script `pause` after it executes a PC program:
- The problem is that lines like:
result = [exec MYPROG.EXE]
if {$result == 0} {return}
message "The Program failed" ERROR
Will not behave as expected because the script will execute the `if {$result == 0} {return}` line immediately after starting MYPROG.EXE
The solution is to have the script create a temp file, and to modify MYPROG.EXE to delete this file as its last operation.
Then the script can be re-written as follows:
open "\\temp\\temp.dat" w
result = [exec MYPROG.EXE] #This will erase \temp\fred.dat when it completes
while { 1 == 1 }
wait 1 seconds
isfile = [file exists "\\temp\\temp.dat"]
if {$isfile == 0} {break}
} if {$result == 0} {return} ##the files does NOT exist
message "The Program failed" ERROR
- To use the proc script command:
- The proc must be defined before it is used [remember, the script language is an interpreter.] Here is an example of usage of proc.
proc say_hello x
message $x
say_hello Josephine
- To exit PowerTerm under control of a script:
- exit-emulator is the command