Ericom SSL Secure Gateway - use FREE with Ericom products

Ericom Free SSL WebSockets Secure Gateway (ESG)

For Use With Ericom's Remote Access Solutions

Security concerns? Authenticate users before they connect to internal resources

Ericom's scalable, high performance SSL Gateway secures the access to your business-critical internal resources running on RDP hosts (virtual desktops, Terminal Servers, etc.) from unsecured locations outside the firewall (e.g., the Internet) without requiring an SSL / IPSec VPN.

You can use Ericom Secure Gateway free of charge with the following Ericom remote access products:

Key Benefits of Ericom Secure Gateway include:

  • Meet the highest security standards using the built-in TLS 1.2 encryption
  • Secure, single port access to internal resources
  • Eliminates the need to purchase, install, configure and manage an SSL VPN for Ericom clients
  • Increases access security for workshifting, teleworking and flex-working
  • Can act as a high-performance gateway for WebSockets, enabling secure remote access to virtual desktops and terminal servers from outside the firewall
  • Install an SSL certificate once on Ericom Secure Gateway instead of on all hosts that need to be accessed
  • Built-in security whitelisting of trusted end user devices and servers.

How Ericom Secure Gateway Works

Ericom Secure Gateway acts as a gateway between end users in remote locations and Windows applications and desktops in the datacenter. It may be installed in a DMZ to route traffic between the Internet and the LAN.

Architecture: Ericom Secure Gateway
Architecture: Ericom Secure Gateway

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