Ericom® AccessToGo for Chrome helped give Ericom a reputation for delivering to market the fastest remote desktop access. This reputation has been made brighter by the success of Ericom AccessNow, our modern browser-based HTML5 solution.
"Excellent and super-fast compared to Chrome RDP" - Max Moreno Jr.
"...Beautiful display scaled to my Chromebook in high resolution. Perky enough, much faster than straight Chrome RDP client.." - William Wraith IV
Ericom no longer supports AccessToGo RDP for Chromebook / Chromebox devices. Our commercial product for Chrome devices is Ericom AccessNow - which works great with any backend Windows system including Windows 7. Best of all, it's clientless. So there's no need to install or configure anything on the user device.
Click here to learn more about our Chromebook RDP solution and download an evaluation version.
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