Release Notes for Version 15.2 October 2022
New Features
- Windows 11 22H2 Support
Release Notes for Version 15.1 January 2022
New Features
- Windows 11 Support
Release Notes for Version 15.0 November 2021
New Features
- New openssl (version 1.1.1l)
- Maintenance release
Release Notes for Version 14.0 April 2021
New Features
- New openssl (version 1.1.1g)
- Maintenance release
Release Notes for Version 12.5 October 2018
New Features
- New installer technology, supports silent install and uninstall
- Support for Windows 2019
- Support for Windows 10 SAC (v1809)
- Fixed bug with PSL web manual on Chrome
- PowerTerm edition is automatically selected upon activation, no longer needed to be configured during installation
- “Administrator” installation mode has been removed
Release Notes for Version 12.0 October 2016
New Features
- Support for Windows 2016
- Updated SSH functionality
Release Notes for Version 11.0 August 2015
New Features
- Added TLS 1.2 support for SSL connection
- Support for Windows 10, Windows 2012R2
- Bug fixes
Release Notes for Version 10.2 June 2014
New Features
- New openssl (version 1.0.1h)
- New hllappi
Release Notes for Version 10.1 October 2012
New Features
- Support for Windows 8 , Windows 2012
- Support for IPv6
- Maintenance release
Release Notes for Version 9.2 February 2010
New Feature
- Support for Windows 7 , Windows 2008, Windows 2008 R2
- Maintenance release
Release Notes for Version 9.1 May 2007
New Feature
- Support for Windows Vista OS. NOTE:
- Vista OS can only save the SSL certificate in the default folder
when 'User Account Control' is disabled
- PowerTerm DDE is not supported in Vista
Release Notes for Version 8.2 July 2006
New Features
- New PSL commands:
- set recv-file-overwrite [true | false | ask]
- set display-disconnect-message [on | off]
- option to disable the disconnect on-screen message
- set keyboard-lock [on | off]
- [on] locks the keyboard until [off] command
- set autoprint-ff [on | off]
- option to ignore form-feed in autoprint mode
- New pc-key "lk-less"
- "<>" key on lk keyboards has a unique name
- 3270 print SCS tabs
- X11 systems:
- New Keyboard Mapping dialog. The dialog takes data from X11. There is no need to use kbl files.
- 3-color Keyboard mapping dialog
- Gray = Virtual (terminal) Key
- White = OS character
- Yellow = OS Dead character
- Added 'Print Device' = 'Serial'
- Its (and the AUX) values can be changed directly from the new "Details" button.
- New PSL commands:
Release Notes for Version 8.1 December 2005
New Features
- Supports PowerTerm RemoteView
- 3-color Keyboard mapping dialog
Gray = Virtual (terminal) Key
White = OS character
Yellow = OS Dead character
- New psl commands:
- button right left-dbl-click
- Defines that clicking the right mouse
button will act as if you double-click
the left mouse button.
- button right left-action
- Defines that any right mouse button action
will act as if you did the same action on
the left mouse button.
- recv-file zmodem
- Receives a file from the host via the zmodem
- set win9x-print-unicode off
- Causes PowerTerm to print in the Windows code
page (8 bit mode) instead of Unicode on Win9x
- set wyse-international-mode off
- Enables support for the escape sequence esc ~ 2/3
- The auxiliary port is a valid device for slave printing (autoprint and controller mode).
Read (send to host) and write (print) can be opened/closed indepedently of each other. The
status will now show the aux port state as follows:
"Status" | Description | Display on Screen |
"<AUX " | [Host < PC (send)] | |
">AUX ^" | [Host > PC (print)] [printer + screen (Auto)] | Data displayed on screen. |
">AUX -" | [Host > PC (print)] [printer + screen (Controller)] | No data displayed on screen. |
"=AUX ^" | [Host = PC (bidi) ] [printer - screen (Auto)] | Data is also displayed on screen. |
"=AUX -" | [Host = PC (bidi) ] [printer - screen (Controller)] | No data displayed on screen. |
- Supports TVI955 program answerback:
esc ^ text CtrlY
- Supports TVI955 Screen on/off commands where 'off' is a blank screen.
- New escape sequences for VT
Select dim (not bold): esc 2 m
Select a port number for the auxiliary port: esc [ number * u
- Supports bidirectional printing (only via COM port)
Escape sequences for AUX connection (VT/ANSI only):
Allow auxiliary input mode - | Esc [7i |
End auxiliary input mode - | Esc [6i |
- New code page 620 - Polish (Mazovia)
- "LF->CRLF" in Terminal Setup, Printer properties tab.
- Faster serial connection speed.
- Communication LEDs on the status window to indicate communication activity.
- Evaluation of strings from the communication dialog to PSL.
- New SSL and SSH dlls.
- New XTerm terminal type.
- SCO request current color sequence.
- Caps-lock always on: turned on caps-lock, nothing release it.
- Num-lock on, same for num-lock key, setup option only, no GUI.
- 3 modes of Caps Lock in Terminal Setup, Keyboard properties tab.
- Caps-lock (Unix) - Locks alpha keys on main keypad in uppercase.
- Shift-lock - Locks alpha and numeric keys on main keypad in shifted setting. Touching
Shift will release shift-lock mode.
- Reverse-Lock (Win) - Same as caps-lock, but Shift reverses the Caps operation.
- Supports TAPI: Telephony Application Program Interface (Only for Windows 98 and higher.)
Release Notes for Version 7.1 March 2004
New Features
- New Terminal ID for VT:
- VT510
- New grouping of emulation types in Terminal Setup | Emulation properties.
- New color dropdown list in Terminal Setup | Color properties
For selecting the coloring method:
Attribute - Colors based on the attributes. For example, you can select different colors for bold, for underline, and for bold/underline.
ANSI - Colors based on host defined colors.
For example, the host sends "red foreground on blue background" but you can select the default ANSI color. Different attributes do not affect colors.
Attribute & ANSI - Uses both Attribute and ANSI colors as explained above.
Default - Uses the default color type for each emulation type:
VT and Siemens = Attribute & ANSI colors
ANSI and HP = ANSI colors
All others = Attributes colors (Not affected by setting to a different value.)
- ANSI 8 color mode in Terminal Setup | Color Properties
For ANSI emulations only.
In the old ANSI behavior, foreground text is always bold (bright) and the background
never bold. Now, when the ANSI 8 color mode is enabled, the bold attribute has no meaning.
- Color Frame in Terminal Setup | Color Properties
The frame color is selected by the frame-color item in the dialog box instead of using the normal background color.
- Default ANSI color in Terminal Setup | Color Properties
Select default color for the ANSI mode when no specific color was selected by the host.
- The multilingual keyboard mapping dialog:
Shows the correct characters for each language, in all cases including Shift, Alt, Ctrl, and Caps Lock. It also shows right-Alt or AltGr, as needed.
Shows Dead-keys (keys that has a meaning only with other keys such as ^).
Solves the problem of mapping to keys like Z and Y for Czech or Q and A for French.
PT windows edition Supports any keyboard selected
- Limit Font Size in Terminal Setup | Display Properties | Dimensions
Allows PowerTerm fonts to use only the exact font size, especially for frames.
Not recommended for normal text on large screens.
- NumLock button behavior for VT emulations
A new checkbox, Terminal Setup | General | Keypad | Numlock, specifies the behavior as Numlock or PF1.
- PSL scripts run as a single instance throughout the session.
This means that script variables can be shared.
- PSL support for COM Automation
- PSL commands for manipulating multiple sessions
- PSL command for capturing and parsing the input stream
- PSL events for communication open and close
- New wait option for PSL exec command
- Numerous new PSL sample files
Release Notes for Version 6.6.2 December 2003
New Features
- SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol)
Implements the SSH2 security protocol when transferring files.
Release Notes for Version 6.6.2 June 2003
New Features
- Terminal Server Edition (TSE) license
With a TSE license, PowerTerm can be used by multiple-users at any given moment.
Release Notes for Version 6.6.1 April 2003
New Features
- Support for Secure Shell (SSH) security. Supports both SSH-1 and SSH-2 standards.
- Session Manager
A new component, which provides quick access to a list of user-configured
sessions. Designed as an unobtrusive floating toolbar, the Session Manager
can be set to launch automatically at Windows startup, activated from the
system Start menu, or run from within PowerTerm. Each session is represented by an icon in the toolbar,
thus allowing for quick session activation, bringing an active session to the foreground or closing an
active session.
- Advanced Printing
Margins can be set by the user.
Specific LPI/CPI can be assigned in Graphics mode.
Autofit can be enabled for the non-Graphics printing mode.
- Enhanced automatic LU/Device name generation according to rules specified by the user.
- Languages
The following Code Pages are also supported:
* For VT and all other character mode emulations:
7 bit Slovenian
Code Page 848 Cyrillic, Ukrainian with Euro
Code Page 872 Bulgaria, Serbia-Montenegro, FYR Macedonia
(855 With Euro)
Configurable setting to determine the display of position marker for hidden fields
in the emulation screen. By default, no such marker is displayed. To enable marker,
set the Invisible-Field-Show flag to "On" in the default setup file (ptdef.pts).
Optional printing of header message for graphical printouts generated using the
Print Screen function. In order to enable this feature, enter a text (within
quotation marks) for the Use-Print-Header-Text flag in the default setup file
(ptdef.pts). The next time Print Screen is performed, either from the File menu
or the toolbar icon, the Print Header Text dialog box will appear with the specified
text. This text will be used for the duration of the PowerTerm session.
ANSI keyboards
All keyboards now use numlock.
All keyboards are now affected by "Backspace sends delete" (i.e. send backspace
(0x08) by default and delete (0x7F) if this value is set).<Ctrl>+ <backspace> sends
the opposite value.
Release Notes for Version 6.5.1 December 2002
New Features
- Session icons appear on the toolbar to simplify navigation between multiple sessions.
Alternatively the desired session can be accessed through the Sessions menu.
- Soft fonts are now scaleable. Default: On.
- New Greek Graphical User Interface.
- New code page 737 (Greek 437) - Greek IBM PC de facto standard.
- Printer definition files (*.ped) are now located in the "printers" subfolder.
- Support for True Type Fonts, which are located in the "fonts" subfolder.
- Support for TVI955 emulation is now available.
Release Notes for Version 6.4.2 September 2002
New Features
- Support for AUX port printing. The following escape sequences are
"<csi> 1 {" to start
"<csi> 2 {" to stop
- support for ANSI colors for VT emulations.
<esc> \x02 A ## \r for foreground
<esc> \x02 B ## \r for background
while (## is a number 0-15).
- Support for email and URL highlighting/activation using the mouse.
- activation/deactivation of the following 5 hotspots types:
These both can be used in PSL commands and in the Setup.
- Linux is now listed as a Terminal Type.
Release Notes for Version 6.4.0 June 2002
- Languages - The following Code Pages were added to the "keyboard" option
of 3270/5250 display and to VT and all other character mode emulations:
Windows 1250, Windows 1251, Windows 1252, Windows 1253,
Windows 1254,Windows 1257.
- Changing Behavior -
a) "disable host colors" selected:
ALL emulations- display attribute colors.
b) "disable host colors" not selected:
- VT emulations will display both host colors and attribute colors.
- ANSI emulations (Sco, BBS,At386, AIXTerm) will show host colors only.
- HP emulation will show host colors only.
- A new setting was added into the setup file "ptdef.pts" applicable for 5250
and 3270 emulations:
Force-Field-Exit in ptdef.pts = On (default)
Force-Field-Exit in ptdef.pts = Off
The setting forces a field-exit. If it is activated, it causes the cursor
to advance to the next field once a field has been filled in.
- PSL commands
The new command "use-default-printer".
- Form Feed: a new feature has been added into the AS400 printer session
(TN5250 Printer), and is found under
Terminal | Setup | Printer | Advanced Printing | Form Feed.
It defines the form type of the printer. PowerTerm provides the following
three types of form feed:
AUTOCUT: Single-cut sheets are automatically fed into the printer.
Most printers require a sheet feed attachment.
CONT: Continuous forms are used by printers that have a tractor feed
attachment on the device.
CUT: Single-cut sheets are manually fed into the printer.
Release Notes for Version 6.3 July 2001
New Features
- Languages - The following Code Pages are supported:
For VT and all other character mode emulations:
- 7 bit Slovenian
- Code Page 858 : 850 with the Euro character
- Modified the Auto Answerback format to retrieve the client's IP address.
For example in a Citrix platform: "\[%d.%d.%d.%d\]" retrieves the Citrix client's IP address and not the Citrix server IP address.
- A new PSL script command was added: set wyse-esc-b off
This command ignores any Esc b sequences in wyse 60 application.
- To specify a bitmap screen as the background in PowerTerm, a menu option
Terminal|Setup|Colors|Show BMP was added. The desired bitmap should be named pt_bg.bmp and should be copied to the PowerTerm folder.
- A combination of [ctrl] z, or [ctrl] y keystrokes or [break] will cause an ASCII/Binary
File Transfer Operation to terminate.
- The number of Soft Function keys can now be expanded up to 24. This is achieved by sending the following PSL command: set-func-cols DesiredNumber
For example: set-func-cols 20 will generate 20 soft function keys.
- The ftp client changes according to the communication line speed.
Using the Hide Ftp Window setting in the Ftp.cfg file hides the
PowerTerm FTP Client window (main window) while allowing the File Transfer
ASCII mode progress indicator to be displayed.
Release Notes for Version 6.1 September 2000
New Features
- Capability of entering control characters by typing in their ASCII number
(Less then three digits).
In order to do so, hold down the [ALT] key and enter one or two digits
(the ASCII number in decimal representation) using the numeric pad, then release the [ALT] key.
Previously you had to type [ALT] 013.
This feature is enabled by the script command: "set use-alt-key-up on".
Example: Hold down [ALT] key, enter "13" with the numeric pad, then release the [ALT] key.
Result: <CR> character is generated.
- Save-Lock-State = On
In the [General] section of the setup file.
This option "remembers" the caps lock state when you return to the session,
even if you changed it in any another program or session.
Save-Lock-State = Off
(Default) ,
The caps lock state is global for all sessions / applications (Windows standard).
- The psl command "set mouse-report on" enables mouse report responses.
Mouse report responses are disabled by default.
- Keyboard mapping (key selection by right clicking on it) options has been expanded to: Cut, Copy, Paste, and Enter Command Script.
- Includes all fixes and enhancements since version 5.4.4 was released.
- Keep Alive feature now available on Telnet connection- Periodically
sends a NOP (non operation) command to the host when any number greater than zero is entered in the appropriate field.
For example: you want to send a "keep alive" every 10 minutes- enter 600 (seconds) in the appropriate field.
- Languages - Code Pages are supported for the following:
For VT and all other character mode emulations:
- DEC Multinational
- ISO Latin 1 (USA)
- ISO Latin 2 (East European)
- ISO Latin 4 (North European)
- ISO Latin 5 (Turkish)
- ISO Latin 6 (Nordic)
- ISO Latin 7 (Baltic)
- ISO Latin 9 (western with Euro Sign)
- DEC Cyrillic
- ISO Cyrillic
- DEC Greek
- ISO Greek
- HP Roman 8
- Code Page 437 (PC USA)
- Code Page 775 (Baltic)
- Code Page 850 (Multilingual)
- Code Page 851 (Greek)
- Code Page 852 ()
- Code Page 855 (Cyrillic)
- Code Page 857 (Turkish)
- Code Page 860 (Portuguese)
- Code Page 863 (Canadian French)
- Code Page 865 (Nordic)
- Code Page 866 (Cyrillic)
- VT emulation:
Backspace Key depending upon its designation, sends either a delete or an actual backspace.
By pressing [ctrl][backspace] yields the non designated function of the [backspace] key. For example, if it set to [delete], it will yield a [backspace], vice versa, if it is set to [backspace] it will yield [delete].
- DDE Time Out is modifiable.
To change the default:
Use the new version of PowerTerm and save the setup file.
Open the ptdef.pts setup file in Notepad. There is a setting DDE-Timeout = 3.
Change the DDE-Timeout from the default (3 seconds) to any number of seconds.
* If you write 0, it will use TIMEOUT_ASYNC that is needed for asynchronous transactions.
Save the setup file which will apply this newly modified DDE timeout setting.
- Linux terminal supported. In Terminal Setup - select VT100 Terminal Type and Linux terminal ID.
- In the connect dialog, the appropriate terminal IDs list will be displayed according to the
user's choice of terminal type.
- CR -> CRLF
In slave printing mode: Clicking this option will add a line feed after each single carriage return
(one that has no line feed following it).