Fast and simple access to Capita SIMS and other Windows applications, desktops and services – from anywhere, via any device
A Winning Solution for 21st Century Education
When it comes to empowering teachers, staff and students with access to the educational resources they need to teach and learn, Councils and teachers look to IT for support.
Ericom enables clientless browser-based access to Windows applications, desktops and services - from any device - including smart phones, Chromebooks, tablet computers, laptops and kiosks - with no install on the user device!
Key Benefits of Ericom for Councils and Schools
Based on over two decades of expertise in the access market, Ericom's flagship product, Ericom Connect, offers security, simplicity, flexibility and ease of use with great cost performance. Based on a "web-first" approach, Ericom simplifies the process of onboarding staff and students who need access to Windows and Web-based instructional, e-Learning, collaboration and productivity apps. Moreover, without requiring any client-side installation, Ericom optimizes mobility and flexibility while keeping data and applications safe and secure in the data center, and off of personal devices.
Additional benefits of Ericom Connect include:
Native clients in addition to high performance browser-based HTML5 remote access, which runs entirely inside the browser and uses standard web technologies, virtually eliminating device management and support costs. Try online demo
BYOD-ready - Support the latest mobility strategies and roll out services, all while utilising existing investments and expanding its services.
Extends the reach of teachers, students and parents to physical and hosted Windows resources whilst providing a secure platform for home-based learning.
Each management server can support up to 100,000 users vs 1,000 users with Microsoft RD Connection broker.
Built-in reporting suite provides rich visual reports and trends, dashboards, alerts, and much more.
Provides a consistently reliable service, even during unforeseeable disasters like floods.
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Quick view of Ericom's solutions for Education 1:1 and Chromebooks initiatives - Clientless remote access to any application, from any device, anywhere!