Chromebooks Remote Access for Education | Ericom

Remote Access for Chromebooks in Education

Extend the reach of Chromebooks to Windows educational applications – and to all websites

With Google Chromebooks and Ericom AccessNow, students and faculty can access Windows educational applications & desktops.

The Chromebook and AccessNow Combined Solution Offers a Complete Educational Access Platform!

  • Gives students and faculty the mobility to access Windows and web-based instructional, e-Learning, collaboration and productivity apps, e.g. Microsoft Word / Excel / Capita SIMs - from anywhere (school, library, home, lab or field)!
  • Enables Chromebook access to Edu websites and systems including ALEKS, Pearson TestNav 7.5 testing software, and Chrome-incompatible web applications (e.g., those requiring Java or ActiveX).
  • Eliminates the need for PC and Mac software management, reducing IT costs, configuration complexity and help desk / support workload.

»  For more information, see our AccessNow FAQs.

Additional Benefits of Ericom AccessNow for Your School

  • Simple, easy and inexpensive to maintain- NO software installation or plug-ins required.
  • AccessNow runs entirely inside the browser and uses standard web technologies, virtually eliminating device management and support costs.
  • Simplifies BYOD implementation - supports access from any HTML5 compatible browser on any platform, including Google Chromebooks, Windows PCs, Macs, Linux, iPad / iPhone , Android, etc. Also works with current, HTML5 compatible browsers, such as Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Firefox.
  • Facilitates a gradual, step-by-step migration from Windows to Cloud environments, with minimal impact on teachers and learners.
  • A special version of AccessNow integrates into Education portals. Users simply click on an icon to connect to their Windows application or desktop. Click here to schedule a free 1-on-1 demo.

  Download a 30-day Free trial of Ericom AccessNow for Chromebooks
All you need is a Chromebook and an Internet connection!

Free Trial Or Try Online Demo

Get a quick overview of Ericom's solutions for Education 1:1 and Chromebooks initiatives - Watch the video now!

Download the WhitePaper: Achieving Success for Your School with Chromebooks

We tested Ericom for a few months and we quickly discovered how easy AccessNow is to deploy and use. You simply log in and you have your Windows desktop. It just works

Tommy Carter,
IT Systems Engineer for Richland School District Two

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More Success Stories

  Ericom AccessNow and Chromebook Datasheet  (11.02 MB)