Evaluate the PowerTerm Host Publisher SDK

Evaluate PowerTerm® Host Publisher SDK

Thank you for your interest in Ericom Software and our PowerTerm e-Business solutions.

Complete the following registration form in order to request the PowerTerm Host Publisher SDK evaluation edition.
Once you have submitted the form, an Ericom representative will contact you to consult with you about your specific web enabling needs and requirements.

If you request to download the SDK, after completing and submitting the form below, you will receive the special URL for downloading PowerTerm Host Publisher SDK, including installation and product activation instructions.

If you prefer to receive the SDK on CD please specify on the form below by selecting the relevant check box.

Prior to completing the form below, please review the system requirements of PowerTerm Host Publisher.

The information submitted below will be used solely by Ericom, and will not be sold or released to other companies or individuals.
First name*:
Last Name*:
Telephone Number*:
Fax Number*:
State: (USA only)*
Company URL:*
Check here if you wish to receive the SDK on CD.
Number of employees in your organization:
Which operating system do you use?*

Type of Company (Check those that apply):
ResellerTraining FacilityConsultant
System IntegratorSoftware DeveloperVAR
Solution ProviderApplication DeveloperOther:

What is your Target Market? (Check those that apply)*:

* = mandatory fields
PowerTerm Host Publisher System Requirements:
Microsoft Windows 2000 or higher
To achieve an optimal appearance, it is recommended to use 1024 x 768 resolution
or higher.
For Java edition: Java Run-time environment JDK 1.3.1 or higher.